Overberg Geoscientists Group
There have been a number of other people closely involved in this project all of whom we would like to thank for their contributions:-
The 35-IGC Legacy Fund
IAH2000 – International Association of Hydrogeologists Conference 2000.
The Kogelberg Brach of the Botanical Society of SA.
Staff of the Harold Porter National Botanical Garden and SANBI.
Artisans and local contractors.
The Overberg Geoscientists Group.
Hannes Singleton Staalwerke, Kleinmond for all the panel frames and mounting them.
References used for the information panels:-
A number of books and articles have been consulted in order to derive the information displayed. These include, but are not limited to:-
Terence McCarthy and Bruce Rubidge. The Story of Earth & Life.: A southern African perspective on a 4.6-billion-year journey. Struik Nature, 2015.
Nick Norman and Bruce Whitefield. Geological Journeys: A traveller’s guide to South Africa’s rocks and landforms. Struik Publishers, 2006.
Nick Norman – Geology off the beaten track (exploring South Africa’s hidden treasures); Struik Nature, 2013
John S. Compton – The Rocks and Mountains of Cape Town. Earthspun Publications, 2004.
John S. Compton. Human Origins: How diet, climate and landscape shaped us. Earthspun Publishers 2018.
John S. Compton. West Coast: A Natural History. Earthspun Publishers, 2021.